Thursday 10 May 2012

Old toothless lady stretches to reach massive cock - (Shaped Passion Fruit)

Here she is....                                                                      


 ....She loves it!

Banan-alien - 'A blind gypsy carved my fruit up'

Inspired by Ridley Scott's film Alien (1979)
This banana has been beautifully sculpted by a blind gyspy woman from Dartford (Called Minky).

If you want a blind woman from the arse end of Kent to carve up your fruit, why not drop her an email at

Monday 1 March 2010

Wednesday 30 September 2009

"With his head carved out of....POTATO"

Name: Nuck Lee
Construction: Kerrs pink potato
Most likely to say: "Give me some skin"

Thursday 24 September 2009

Put the money in the bag, slag.

Names: Walter the Owl and Mungo
Construction: Walter - Water Melon, partial carrot and olive x2
Mungo -Galia, carrot, olive x2 , orange, part aubergine and apple
Most likely to say: Walter "Put the money in the bag and no-on gets hurt" Mungo "You slag"